About Us

Digitalized Hospital

We have equipped with fully digitalized clinic where the patient gets their personalized login page to view their diagnosis, treatment plan, medical reports, treatment charges, bills and prescriptions on the go. Patients can view their current treatment status, schedule appointments and pay treatment bills at the comfort of their home.

Our Hospital Environment

Patients waiting area


Our patients' waiting area is equipped with comfortable and organized space where patients can wait for their appointments. We have a relaxed environment which reduce anxiety and stress, offers a sense of privacy, and allows efficient patient management.

Our Reception


Our Reception having the efficient staffs to assist the patients on their need during the waiting time and help in reducing the waiting time of the patients. We have a welcoming and comfortable space where they can check in, complete necessary paperwork, and wait for their appointments.

Our Consultation Room


Our Consultation Room provides patients with a private and comfortable space to discuss their health concerns and receive personalized medical advice and treatment recommendations from the dentists.

Our Treatment Room


Our Treatment Rooms are spacious and sterile, provide a private and comfortable environment for the patients to get treated. It provide a dedicated space for medical procedures, examinations, and treatments. These rooms are equipped with the necessary tools and equipment to ensure efficient and effective care. Patients can receive specialized attention, privacy, and a safe environment, enhancing their overall healthcare experience.

Our State of Art Equipments

Vista scan nano easy


Our digitalized x-ray unit is useful for patient treatment as it allows for quick and efficient digital imaging of X-rays. This helps our doctors to diagnose and plan treatments more accurately, reducing patient waiting times and exposure to radiation. In short, it improves diagnostic capabilities, leading to better and faster patient care.

Smart lite focus


We at our dental hospital, give importance to the best materials used for the patient treatment. Smart lite focus helps in achieving that by providing the best in class composite restorations to the patients. Thanks to its accurate wavelength in curing the restorative materials which last longer in the oral cavity of patients.

X mart Endo motor


Root canal treatment is a part of dental treatment where it helps save the patient natural dentition. The X mart Endo motor is beneficial for patients' treatment as it assists dentists in performing precise and efficient root canal procedures, reducing discomfort and treatment time.

Surgic pro optics


Implant treatment requirements in patient with lost dentition is increasing on day to day life. Our Surgic Pro Optics instruments are useful for patient with missing teeth because they offer high precision and enhanced visualization during implant procedures, leading to improved accuracy, reduced risks, and better patient outcomes.

Biolase epic x


Laser is eminent in modern dentistry. The Biolase Epic X is the all-in-one everyday diode laser instrument patented for its 940nm wavelength. The instrument is useful for patient's treatment because it uses advanced laser technology to perform minimally invasive and precise dental procedures, where it is surgery, pain relief, disinfecting the root canal, periodontal debridement or teeth whitening. Biolase provides best results for the treatment.

Aoral Scan 3


The Aoralscan 3 is an intraoral dental scanner primarily used for capturing detailed 3D digital impressions of a patient's teeth, enabling applications in various dental procedures including Patient dental health report, general restorations, implants, orthodontics, and veneers, allowing for precise treatment planning and fabrication of dental restorations like crowns, bridges, and aligners, all with high accuracy and faster workflow compared to traditional impression methods.

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